Vacuum Mixer Homogenizer |
Our company offers a wide range of vacuum miserov homogenizer, homogenize plant for the manufacture of pharmaceutical products, etc.
Design to GMP. |
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Vacuum mixer homogenizer for pharmaceutical production |
Purpose. In the pharmaceutical industry: the production of ointments, gels, eye drops, eye ointments, cough syrups, infusions, solutions, sugar / salt, suppository mass, mass to cover the pills, lotions, wax emulsions, lipid emulsions, disintegration of cells, disinfectants. funds, serum, vaccines, etc.
In the cosmetic industry for the production of cosmetics, ointments, lotions, creams, balms, scrubs, makeup, lipstick, shampoo, shaving cream, toothpaste, food additives, different suspensions, and emulsions, etc. |
Top quality product.
This type of equipment is 90% of Western Europe and America, as well as
at most competitive enterprises in Russia producing products
European quality.
Accessibility. Now, vacuum mixers, homogenizers, due to their low price made available to the majority of Russian production!
Vacuum mixer homogenizer, is revolutionary among the existing types of
mixers. It is designed in such a way that is ideal for use in many industries. It involved multiple types of processes. |
The process of removing the air increases the chemical stability and
prevents unwanted chemical reactions such as oxidation, greatly accelerates the process of making the product. Deaeration vacuum can produce a thicker, more
flexible, less prone to damage, visually attractive and even the composition of the final
product ready for packing.
Mixing. The design of the mixer ensures uniform mixing of the product and its vertical
circulation in the chamber. Scraper agitator elements do not allow the formation of the chamber walls burnt and promote more uniform heating or cooling of the product.
Homogenization. In the installation of built-in homogenizer. The working bodies are selected by a homogenizer
specific product and ensure the quality of homogenization to 3 microns. The product passed
processing on this homogenizer is stable and not rasslaevaetsya. With the help of a homogenizer is the same circulation and unloading of the product - so the circulation and unloading do not require any additional pumps. This increases the purity of the product (no additional systems where the product can Dissemination).
Easy disassembly manual homogenizer to make up for washing.
Possible additional channel of circulation, bypassing the homogenizer to produce products
with large inclusions.
Heating and cooling. Applying the "jacket" for the heating and cooling allows the same hardware
make: heating, melting, mixing, and cooling. Heating the "jacket" by
electric heaters or steam. Cooling with water.
Heating is provided by the agitator and circulation through the work path.
Circulation is carried out to achieve the desired temperature and a homogeneous mass. |
Vacuum Mixer Homogenizer |
Vacuum mixer homogenizer-type MG-Gurt |
Vacuum mixer homogenizer such as MG-Gurt is designed for emulsification, mixing and thermal treatment of liquid and pasty products.
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Vacuum mixer homogenizer-type MG-UGM |
Vacuum mixer homogenizer-type MG-UGM is designed for emulsification, mixing and thermal treatment of liquid, viscous and pasty products (creams, ointments, gels, and many others)
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Vacuum mixer homogenizer-type Corum |
In the basic version of a vacuum mixer homogenizer, already includes two container components, homogenizer, vacuum pump, lift the lid, tied with remote control and adjusted to get started.
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Vacuum mixer homogenizer for-termizatsii and grinding products |
Vacuum mixer homogenizer-type UMTI-SI is designed for grinding, vacuum mixing, heating and cooling
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Technical data of vacuum mixer - homogenizers |
Модель |
Вакуум |
Возможность подключения к вакуумной линии |
подключения к вакуумной линии |
Вакуумный насос в комплекте |
Вакуумный насос в комплекте |
продукта |
Мешалка скребковая |
Мешалка скребковая |
Мешалка скребковая |
Мешалка скребковая |
Гомогенизация |
вертикального расположения с циркуляционным каналом |
встроенный в чашу (возможность использования различных насадок в зависимости от продукта) |
Гомогенизатор горизонтального расположения с циркуляционным каналом и штуцерами для ввода компонентов |
Встроенный ножевой узел |
Нагрев и охлаждение |
Теплообменная рубашка |
Теплообменная рубашка, клапан острого пара |
Теплообменная рубашка, клапан острого пара |
Теплообменная рубашка, клапан острого пара |
Загрузка продукта и ввод компонентов |
Через люк |
Через крышку или воронку (в процессе работы) |
Через дополнительные входы гомогенизатора в общий поток продукта |
Через крышку или воронку (в процессе работы) |
Подъем крышки |
Крышка закреплена на болтах, предусмотрено снятие имеющимся у пользователя механическим устройством |
Вручную, откидывается назад, оснащена газонаполненными амортизаторами (мешалка остается в чаше) |
подъемником вертикально вверх одновременно с мешалкой |
Крышка (вместе с мешалкой) автоматически откидывается назад при помощи пневмоцилиндра |
Разгрузка продукта |
Автоматически гомогенизатором |
Вручную через разгрузочный патрубок (самотеком) с ручным наклоном чаши |
Автоматически гомогенизатором |
Автоматически через разгрузочный клапан с автоматическим поворотом чаши |
Мойка |
ручная |
ручная |
Моющая головка для подключения с системе мойки |
Моющая головка для подключения с системе мойки |
автоматизации |
Ручное управление и визуальный контроль техпроцесса |
Ручное управление и визуальный контроль техпроцесса |
управление технологическим процессом |
Автоматическое управление технологическим процессом с возможностью программирования. |